CNN "Erin Burnett Outfront" - Transcript: Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) Discusses About Her Republican Wondering What They Are Hearing During The Session Of Impeachment Trial


Date: Jan. 22, 2020


BURNETT: All right. Thank you very much, Phil. A pretty significant statement to say. There are some of the talking points that some of the senators may have heard that are being factually disproven today, are they hearing that for the first time. I want to go straight now to Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono who sits

on the Judiciary Committee. And I know, Senator, you're going to be going back into that room in just a few moments.


BURNETT: Have you spoken with any of your Republican colleagues? Obviously, you've just been out in break for a few minutes, that seems to be indicating I'm learning something here today, I've gotten something new.

HIRONO: As I listened to the testimony, I sit there wondering what the Republicans are hearing, because I don't see how you can listen to this chronology of events and what the President did and not think that this is more than inappropriate. These are impeachable actions by the President to lean on by the president of another country to investigate a U.S. citizen using taxpayer money as a bribe.

This is not usual stuff. I don't see how anybody can listen to this kind of narration and the presentation has been really effective and not think, oh, this is not OK. So I'm wondering what they're hearing. I have not talked with them about it, because the way I look at it is, Erin, that there are certain kinds of issues that they just need to make up their minds and figure out how they're going to see themselves doing the right thing.

BURNETT: So you're purposely not talking to them at this point.

HIRONO: No. I watched to see more ...

BURNETT: What's the scene of the room, Senator?

HIRONO: ... you know what, last night when they voted down every effort on our part to call witnesses and documents, it showed me a lot about where their heads are at. So they may be wringing their hands, but they're going right down the line with Mitch McConnell's program which is to protect this lying president. So, there you have it.

BURNETT: Well, Republican Senator John Cornyn today said he had a different take. He says it's getting repetitive, which obviously the House managers are doing on purpose. They want people to hear the same thing again and again in some senses and they want to present the chronology.

HIRONO: I think ...

BURNETT: He said, I just want to give you the quote, Senator, and give you a chance to respond.


BURNETT: He said, "Senators are struggling to try to see why we have to sit here, sit hearing the same arguments over and over and over and over again." But you think it's been effective even though he's, obviously, trying to diminish it. HIRONO: He's calling it repetitive because they don't want to hear

it. They really, I think, is painful for them to keep hearing how the President shook down the president of another country and abuse his power and is engaged in obstruction of Congress. I think they just don't want to face it.

But you know what, this is forcing them to face it and if they turn off their ears, whatever it is, then I am really sad for our country. But for him to say this is all repetitive, even as last night, by the way, note that they voted at every turn to turn away any new evidence or any new documents. So when he says what's new, hey, they made sure that there's nothing new, but what's already there is damning enough of what the President did.

BURNETT: Senator, I do know you need to go back into the room.


BURNETT: Before you go, there's been various reports from some of the press who are in the pen there, that some of the chairs are empty, people are sort of in the back talking or eating. My question to you is, is everyone in that room paying attention? I mean, it's understandable people may want to get up and go and get something to drink or something like that.


But do you feel that people are taking this with the sincerity and the seriousness that it deserves?

HIRONO: I certainly am and I'm taking notes. And I would think that I do think that most of my colleagues are doing that, but I also think that for the Republicans to hear what the President did is probably a very painful experience for them. It's not painful for me or for us, because we know what the President did and we've been trying to focus the country and everyone else, including my Republican colleagues on what he did.

But obviously last night and they were impervious to any calls for our fair trial and not just a fast trial to protect the lying president.

BURNETT: All right. Thank you very much, Senator Hirono. I appreciate your time.


