Sportfishing and Recreational Boating Safety Amendments Act of 2005

Date: Sept. 13, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

SPORTFISHING AND RECREATIONAL BOATING SAFETY AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2005 -- (House of Representatives - September 13, 2005)


Ms. NORTON. Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Madam Speaker, I rise today to voice my support for H.R. 3649, the Sportfishing and Recreational Boating Safety Amendments Act of 2005, and to thank all concerned for clearing this matter up.

Madam Speaker, the purpose of this bill is, of course, very simple, as you have heard. When Congress passed H.R. 3, SAFETEA-LU, in July, there was a small disconnect between that bill and the short-term highway funding extension that was passed separately.

The short-term extension extended the highway program and the funding of the recreational boat safety program until August 15th. However, SAFETEA-LU provided for long-term reauthorization and funding of the recreational boating safety program beginning October 1, the new fiscal year. As a result, the gas taxes that are collected between August 15 and October 1 from recreational boaters cannot be given to the State boating law administrators to fund their recreational boating programs.

H.R. 3649 corrects this problem by extending the old Recreational Boat Safety and Sportfish Programs until October 1, 2005, when the new funding formulas take effect.

Madam Speaker, the Recreational Boat Safety and Grant Program provides a 50/50 matching fund to the States for their recreational boating safety and educational programs. These programs save lives. It is our responsibility to see to it that there is no interruption of this program, and we are fulfilling this responsibility today.

Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to pass H.R. 3649 to ensure that our States receive the necessary matching funds for their recreational boating safety programs between August 15, 2005, and October 1, 2005.

Madam Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.
