Gov. Lujan Grisham Authorizes First Statewide Minimum Wage Increase Since 2009


Date: April 2, 2019
Location: Santa Fe, NM

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Monday signed into law the first increase to the statewide minimum wage since 2009, delivering on a promise to New Mexico workers and families.

More than 100,000 New Mexicans stand to benefit from the escalating phased-in raises that will take effect Jan. 1, 2020. Beginning that date, employers in the state must pay workers at least $9 an hour, up from $7.50 an hour.

The rate will subsequently rise in each of the next three years: to $10.50 beginning Jan. 1, 2021; to $11.50 beginning Jan. 1, 2022; and to $12 beginning Jan. 1, 2023.

A compromise measure brokered by the governor in the waning days of the legislative session, the new state minimum wage law also provides for escalating annual raises to the minimum wage for so-called "tipped" employees, ultimately reaching $3 an hour beginning Jan. 1, 2023.

"This increase represents progress," said Gov. Lujan Grisham. "No New Mexican who works 40 hours a week should live in poverty -- period. Costs rise every year, but our minimum wage hadn't moved in a decade. I'm thrilled to put stagnation behind us. This session, the Legislature sent a clear signal: We will not tolerate poverty wages in New Mexico. And this administration is putting working families first. I commend lawmakers who did not allow perfect to be the enemy of good as we worked toward the finish line on this measure. I made my preferences for the statewide minimum wage increase abundantly clear on the campaign trail and in my first months in office, and I am pleased to be moving forward."

"When you have good legislation, it's not the Senate, House or Governor's Office working alone -- it's everyone, and it's the community, too, whether it be the business communities or advocates for working families," said Sen. Clemente Sanchez. "I'm glad for the families that need to put food on the table, clothe their children; this will help them. And the step-ups in coming years will help businesses in rural areas get ready for change. This legislation is a good example of compromise at work in Santa Fe."

"This legislation is important for our economy, and for the quality of life of communities across New Mexico," said Rep. Miguel Garcia. "Ten years is too long for hard-working New Mexicans to go without a raise. Now, New Mexicans will have the opportunity to earn a fair wage, putting disposable income back into our local economies and small businesses. I am proud to stand with Governor Lujan Grisham today to raise the wage."

"When minimum wage workers get a raise, they don't buy stocks on Wall Street," said Workforce Solutions Secretary Bill McCamley. "They fix their car, go out to eat, or buy more school supplies on main street. Our neighbors Arizona and Colorado have had higher wages for years, and their economies are thriving. Rising wages are good for workers, families, and businesses. A quarter of New Mexico's kids will see their families get more income with this increase. Everyone deserves a chance at the American dream, and this will help more New Mexicans dream bigger."
