Blunt Rochester Issues Statement After Supporting Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism and All Forms of Discrimination


Date: March 7, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE-AL) issued the following statement after supporting House Resolution 183, which condemns recent anti-Semitic remarks and all forms of discrimination.

"We must remember that words matter, and whether intentional or not, we must call out anti-Semitism and all forms of discrimination when we see it," said Congresswoman Blunt Rochester. "Recent comments from members within this body have played a role in resurfacing offensive, anti-Semitic language that drives a wedge between the American people and belongs in the past. We also must not overlook the ongoing discriminatory policies and rhetoric coming from this administration and other colleagues that perpetuate stereotypes and stoke fear in our communities. Hate has no place in our democracy."

"That's why I supported this resolution. It makes it clear that we must stand together with all of our brothers and sisters in the effort to eradicate discrimination."

"Moving forward, we must re-engage in a thoughtful and sound policy discussion -- with room to respectfully critique foreign governments when warranted. Together, we must unite behind the principles we share -- peace, security, and the freedom to live in a world without discrimination."
