Congressman Lamborn's Statement Regarding Passage of S. 47


Date: Feb. 26, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Lamborn, a senior member of the House Natural Resources Committee, issued the following statement regarding passage of S. 47:

"The bipartisan package of land bills passed today expands access for recreational hunting, fishing and shooting on federal lands while conserving our land, water, and natural resources. This legislation also returns federal power to the states by making reforms to the Land and Water Conservation Fund, including limitations on federal acquisition and prioritization of recreation access at the state and local level. Public lands do and should belong to the American people, not to bureaucrats in Washington.

"I'm really pleased to see numerous bills which I authored included in this package that promote economic prosperity in western states like Colorado. The Crags, Colorado Land Exchange Act facilities a land swap between the Broadmoor Hotel and the U.S. Forest Service. For the Pikes Peak region, it means increased outdoor recreational opportunities. Expanding the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument also provides more opportunity for tourists and locals alike to enjoy Colorado's beautiful lands. Two provisions also improve our national parks by allowing the lawful transportation of bows and crossbows through National Park Service lands and expanding opportunities for hunting and fishing. Finally, the modifications to title transfers will grant local water districts the flexibility to fulfill the needs of their individual communities."

Legislation authored by Congressman Lamborn:

H.R. 387 -- Crags, Colorado Land Exchange Act: The Crags bill facilitates an equal value land exchange between the Broadmoor Hotel and the United States Forest Service (USFS). This exchange has been a priority for USFS for quite some time. The completion of this land exchange will see enhanced recreational opportunities for the public on the Pike National Forest, which includes access to the Barr Trail, while easing the management burden on USFS by acquiring an inholding and no longer having to oversee a special use permit for the Emerald Valley Ranch.

H.R. 386 -- To update the map of, and modify the maximum acreage available for inclusion in, the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument: The park is currently capped in its size at 6,000 acres. However, a local conservation group has taken 280 acres of private land adjacent to the existing park in to trust and the park has received support from the local community to incorporate the parcel in to the park. This legislation revises the monument designation to incorporate the additional 280-acre parcel.

H.R. 318 -- National Geologic Mapping Act Reauthorization Act: Reauthorizes the National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992 through FY2023 so that the US Geological Survey, State surveys, and universities can continue to work collaboratively to support the responsible use of our land, water, energy and mineral resources and to mitigate the impact of geologic hazards.

H.R. 3281 - Reclamation Title Transfer and Non-Federal Infrastructure Incentivization Act: Authorizes the Bureau of Reclamation to transfer title of certain federal water facilities to local communities without further congressional action and the expansion of local control over federal water projects.
