Issue Position: Energy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Energy

Michigan has some of the highest energy costs in the country, unnecessarily. There is no reason for our energy to be more expensive than our neighboring states. Our abundant natural resources allow us to harvest them and to use them for the good of Michigan's residents. Inexpensive energy allows us to heat our homes, drive to and from work and to power our economy so we can spend our money on other things. The state should remove its burdensome regulations to allow more energy to reach our homes for less. All types of energy resources should be encouraged. Regulations on our energy developers are prohibiting coal fired plants from being developed or updated resulting in higher energy costs for all of us and a less clean environment. Clean, efficient and inexpensive energy opportunities should be made available to our residents as soon as possible. The 10 percent renewable mandate imposed during the Granholm administration should be repealed allowing the energy companies to use the most efficient, safe and inexpensive means to deliver the energy we need.
