Issue Position: Preserving the Environment

Issue Position

Nearly all scientists across the globe are in agreement with the increasing rate of climate change. A great deal of global warming is due to human behavior. We should be responsible to our planet.

We need to do everything we can to stop the human behavior that is accelerating environmental destruction. We need to protect everything we can on the planet and to work to repair damage already done. This includes simple things like making recycling available to everyone in Michigan and supporting greening programs. We need to teach our children about care for the environment and push for land conservation at every opportunity.

In Michigan, we are the custodians of 20% of the world's fresh water. We are not taking our responsibility seriously. Allowing corporate interests to bottle our water for distribution elsewhere is an unnecessary threat, purely for profit.

Allowing aging oil pipelines to run through our Great Lakes (such as Enbridge Line 5 under the Mackinac Bridge) adds a massive environmental risk to water and wildlife. This puts our State's economy at risk by potentially ruining 500 miles of of Michigan coastline.

I will fight to preserve our water, air, land and all of our non-renewable environmental resources.
