Issue Position: Economy

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

We need a robust economy to support a healthy, thriving Minnesota

Kelly supports prioritizing a sustainable State Budget that provides the services that Minnesotans expect and deserve from their tax dollars. The long term health of our state depends on having a wisely invested, balanced and transparent budget process.

Investing in and maintaining our infrastructure -- including roads and bridges -- must be a priority for Minnesota. We cannot continue to rely on costly temporary bandages to provide relief for our eroding infrastructure.

Promoting, supporting, and encouraging small businesses and entrepreneurs in our district and our state is critical. Large and small companies benefit from a skilled and healthy workforce and provide the jobs that grow our economy. This positive economic and social environment is one of the reasons why Minnesota has the highest per capita number of Fortune 500 companies from a broad range of industries.

Minnesota has a high quality of life, but our state income taxes are among the highest in the country. We need to maintain fiscal responsibility, but our state income taxes should not be raised.
