Issue Position: Pepco

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

The delivery of power to our community--to our homes, our businesses, and more--is essential to our quality of life. Marc believes that ensuring reliable service from Pepco is a consumer protection issue. But the storms of the recent past demonstrate that Pepco must do better in making our delivery systems more resilient. The unreliability of swift recovery jeopardizes the well-being of our citizens and hampers our economic growth. Marc:

Champions reforms that lead to more reliability in the delivery of power by focusing on responsible and necessary tree-trimming, placing critical wires underground, energy storage that improve grid efficiency, and technological solutions that enable adaptation for rapid recovery.
Has fought to strengthen the role of the Public Service Commission (PSC). Marc proposed the Public Service Commission Reform Act so that the agency that regulates Pepco could be strengthened and improved.
Provides strict oversight of Pepco and the Public Service Commission to ensure that the dollars all residents pay for power are used responsibly and invested back into the grid.
Works with stakeholders to identify solutions for preventative, up-to-date maintenance of energy delivery. Solutions that encourage investment and protect consumers are imperative.
Works to empower Pepco customers by improving their ability to report outages and access more precise information about restoration using 21st Century technology. This will help consumers more quickly report problems and have more information about when they can expect their power to be restored. Accessibility and transparency are key to improving the delivery of power to our homes and businesses, and Pepco must be held accountable to providing these solutions.
