Issue Position: Taxes and Spending

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

New York's tax burden is one of the highest in the nation and here in the Hudson Valley we are facing some of the highest property taxes in the state. As a community leader, it breaks my heart to hear stories of families uprooting and leaving for more affordable states.

Ever since I was elected town supervisor of Deerpark, I have been working to lower our tax burden, create efficiencies and find ways to streamline services, cutting taxes in the process. New York City politicians are spending our tax dollars to fix their city's mismanagement and that needs to end. Our families deserve to keep more of their hard-earned money because we deserve to spend our money, not the government.

I have authored the School Property Tax Reduction Act to mandate that Albany pays for more of what Albany legislates, and has the potential to cut an average homeowner's property taxes by 75 percent. Useless spending like lavish tax credits to Hollywood movie producers or Gov. Cuomo's failed START-UP NY program are a burden on us all, and I have been a leading proponent to eliminate superfluous and wasteful spending like this.
