Issue Position: Budget

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

I believe we must keep all options on the table to find a sustainable path to Alaska's fiscal health. Finding further reductions to state spending should be a priority. We are currently operating in a deficit mode which is unsustainable long term.

For the first time ever this year, we drew money from the earnings reserve to pay for state government. At roughly $2 billion short of revenues vs. spending we'll have to do something different. $2 billion in cuts isn't realistic, but several hundred million should be, especially since the legislature & governor increased our budget over $500 million in total this year. I voted against every version of the budget as I don't think we can afford those increases.

It seems clear that we will have to use some of the permanent fund earnings to pay for government, but that amount should be limited to the amount available under the current 50/50 split statute. If we spend more? Then your legislators and governor should have to come before you and explain why we can't live within our means and need to find more revenue (taxes), and/or find further reductions to state spending. Achieving a sustainable budget that is limited in its ability to grow is vital to encouraging business to invest in a "stable" Alaska.

I would like to see a constitutional spending limit enacted which makes it exceedingly difficult for your elected leaders to increase the size of government. Achieving this kind of sustainable, planned growth in government spending could even allow for a biennial budget providing much needed stability for many state agencies as well.
