Issue Position: Securing our Border, Fighting Illegal Immigration and Safeguarding our State in a Post 9/11 World

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

In the absence of true action by the federal government, Representative Parker supports a state's ability to proactively address their border security and immigration concerns. Having extensively toured segments of the Texas/Mexico border, he understands, first hand, the resources that are necessary to secure our border and protect our prosperity. That is why Representative Parker has twice supported increases in border security funding, the creation of the Governor's Border Security Council, Blackhawk helicopters assigned to patrolling Texas' border and has championed for additional DPS officers to protect our vast border region.

In the past, Representative Parker has supported key initiatives on the immigration reform front. He joint-authored successful legislation that penalizes businesses who accept taxpayer funded grants while knowingly employing undocumented workers. Additionally, Representative Parker has co-authored attempts to: require proof of identification to vote in Texas, use the e-verify system for verifying the citizenship of potential state employee hires, make transparent the cost of services and benefits provided to non-citizens in Texas and ensure the enforcement of federal immigration laws by local law enforcement.

In focusing on reform for the future, Representative Parker remains committed to these initiatives and also to deploying the National Guard to assist in border security, licensing local law enforcement as Immigration and Custom Enforcement Agents and dedicating more resources to border security in Texas.
