Issue Position: Safe Schools

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Guns

A week before the Parkland tragedy, I picked up my 14 year old from school, and she began telling me about her day as she does every day. But this day's details brought on a wave of emotions. She described having to climb into the instrument closet, onto a shelf, in her music classroom and wait for what seemed like forever as she waited for the active shooter drill to conclude. I remember thinking that day about the drills I participated in as a child in school: fire drill, tornado drill, earthquakes -- all acts of God, not of man.

Our kids deserve to feel safe at school. We need a global solution to improve school safety that includes on-site modifications to school facilities, technologies, protocols, and training. But any successful global solution must include common sense gun regulation. As the only candidate in District 52 with the Gun Sense Distinction from Moms Demand Action, I will fight for and support legislation that ensures our children feel safe in schools that socially and academically prepare for them for their future.

My plan will involve:

I) Universal background checks for all firearm purchases. For those deemed a risk to our society, the purchase of a weapon must be barred.

II) Licenses should be issued to only those 21 or older after completing and passing a safety course and proficiency test.

III) All guns must be purchased from a licensed gun seller. Let's close those loopholes on online and gun show sales.
