Fiscal Responsibility

Date: Sept. 22, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY -- (House of Representatives - September 22, 2005)

(Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)

Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, fiscal responsibility is one of those tenets of our Republican philosophy. It is something our constituents remind us of every day. A constituent called yesterday following our Operation Offset press conference. She liked what she saw. Her advice was an old adage from her granny: Mind your pennies and your dollars will mind themselves.

I said, No, we're minding your pennies, the taxpayers' pennies, their dollars. This is their money. It is not government's money. We need to remember that.

Mr. Speaker, this House under our Republican leadership has passed a 2006 budget that worked to reduce discretionary spending. It is a great step in beginning to rein in the growth of government. I commend them for that. This House has passed tax relief that has led to 3 million new jobs being created. We need to keep that. I want to thank the leadership for that good work and to thank them for encouraging every Member of this body to work with them to find a way for us to address the needs that our Nation has in response to Hurricane Katrina. I want to thank Republican Study Committee Chairman Pence for his good work on Operation Offset in providing us with another opportunity to reaffirm that we are the party of fiscal responsibility.
