Prescription Drug Benefit

Date: Aug. 15, 2005
Issues: Drugs

Prescription Drug Benefit

August 15, 2005

The very foundation of freedom is the freedom to choose. In America we choose everything from our leaders to what flavor of ice cream we want on a hot day. For too long, too many seniors were denied the choice of affordable prescription drugs.

Last year, Congress provided seniors with a new voluntary prescription drug card. Starting in January, the new comprehensive prescription drug benefit will be phased into effect. Medicare's prescription drug coverage will help pay for a wide array of prescription medication-both generic and brand name.

If seniors like the plan they have through their former or current employer, he or she can remain in that plan. If seniors without prescription drug coverage would like to get it through Medicare, they can.

For a $250 annual deductible and monthly premiums, seniors can have 75 percent of their drug costs paid for up to $2,250. To cover catastrophic health care costs, Medicare will cover 95 percent of drug costs over $3,600 of out-of-pocket expenses.

In addition, low-income seniors will have no gaps in coverage and have $2 co-pays for generic drugs and $5 co-pays for brand name drugs. One choice seniors should never have to make is between buying food and taking needed prescription medication.

Open enrollment begins on November 15th. A handbook giving detailed information will be available this fall. More information can be obtained by calling 1-800-MEDICARE or by visiting

Having choices is good for seniors, especially if those choices mean saving money on prescription drugs.
