Walz Statement on President Trump's FY 2018 Budget Proposal


By: Tim Walz
By: Tim Walz
Date: May 23, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Today, U.S. Representative Tim Walz (MN-01) released the following statement in response to President Trump's fiscal-year 2018 budget proposal:

"President Trump's budget outline is an all-out assault on our quality of life in southern Minnesota and across America's heartland. While the President's tax plan amounts to one big giveaway for millionaires and billionaires, his proposal today is a cruel, unjust, and downright spiteful excuse of a budget borne on the backs of the working-class, retirees, and veterans. This budget betrays the very folks the President promised he would take care of: rural Americans like Minnesota's farmers, seniors, folks seeking health care, and our most vulnerable fellow citizens. Instead of investing in our main street economies, next generation jobs and workforce training for the future, it leaves out in the cold rural nursing homes and hospitals, research and development, veterans on Medicaid, and folks who depend on supplemental nutrition assistance to survive. The list goes on.

"I'm all for balancing the budget -- and we ought to do so in a responsible, timely manner -- but President Trump's proposal epitomizes how not to go about it. It is not in line with our Midwestern values and it is not in line with our American values. The President is required by law to submit a budget, and he has done so. But now it is Congress' job to actually determine what that budget will be. I will fight tooth and nail to ensure this heartless proposal never touches the fabric of our way of life here in the First District, and I call on every single one of my Republican colleagues to do the same."
