Memorial Day


Date: May 29, 2017
Issues: Veterans

By Phil Murphy

While recently visiting the Wildwood Vietnam Veterans Wall to honor those who served in Vietnam, I considered the meaning of service. Political conversations are too often wrapped up in fiery arguments and contentious disputes, and it's all too easy to forget the broader mission -- to serve the people.

Memorial Day is dedicated to the memory of the servicemembers who have fallen to protect our freedoms. Bobby Kennedy once said that "the purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better." These soldiers, sailors, and airmen are the ultimate expression of this service, this contribution to safeguarding the rights and liberties we enjoy as Americans.

As I walk today in parades and visit veterans, I will pause to celebrate the sacrifice these brave Americans paid for us, and rededicate myself to making things better, as they did. Together, we can all chip in to make things better, and in that powerful way, honor them.

Please have a safe and happy Memorial Day with your family.

Thank you.
