Providing Health Care Security for All Americans

Date: July 21, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

PROVIDING HEALTH CARE SECURITY FOR ALL AMERICANS -- (House of Representatives - July 21, 2005)

(Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)

Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, this evening we have addressed our Nation's homeland security with the reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act, putting the focus where it should be, keeping this Nation safe.

My constituents talk with me not only about homeland security and economic security, but about our health care security.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to commend the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Sam Johnson) for the Small Business Health Fairness Act that he has filed. We talk about small businesses buying association health plans, being able to group together to buy health insurance to provide for their small business employees. This is a good idea. It helps bolster our Nation's economic engine, those small businesses.

I commend the gentleman from Texas. I cosponsored his legislation. I look forward to supporting it as he begins to move that to the floor and we keep the focus on security in this great Nation.
