Issue Position: Fiscal Responsability

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

Citizens of Utah have been taxed too often and much too liberally. Too many programs crowd the budget and many people feel entitled to their piece of the pie. Government was never meant to provide so much to so many. I sincerely believe we need to return to our historic belief in personal responsibility. That said, there are some things only government can do for a society. In those areas we need to be efficient, compassionate, and effective.

Too often, government taxes the public for a service that is needed, then a few years later redirects the funds to a different program (leaving no money to fill the need the tax was created for). We need government and political leaders to follow through with what the tax lines were created for, and stop creating programs with no funding or resources.

Morgan County Council has successfully lowered residents tax rates, while maintaining quality service to the public, I am grateful to have been involved in this process
