Issue Position: Cut Government Spending & Overreach

Issue Position

A bloated government is the fastest path to a weaker, less independent Kentucky. Similarly, an efficient and lean government is critical in creating a stronger Kentucky. As your representative, I will do what I can to see excessive spending cut and save taxpayer money on public projects.

Government overreach has been a constant trend while Obama's liberals have been in power. Specifically, the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) blatant overreach has been denounced by members of both parties in Frankfort. The EPA, left unchecked, will continue to effect jobs and energy costs for our citizens. The Obama Administration has used the EPA as a means to circumvent the legislative process to implement a crippling liberal agenda. This cannot stand. The EPA's heavy-handed measures may force businesses to leave Kentucky (and the United States) completely, or discourage them from locating here in the first place. The EPA's limitless authority to create and then unfairly enforce these rules must be fought. It is time we looked for a new, more conservative, majority in Frankfort to fight back against government overreach and offer up new options for our communities.
