Issue Position: Good Government

Issue Position

At a time when the average person's faith in government is at an all-time low, I promise to do everything I can to restore your trust in government. People should expect nothing but the highest standards from their government, and I promise to live up to those standards. I support:

Early Voting: This first piece of legislation I introduced would legalize Early Voting in Pennsylvania. I believe that it is absolutely vital that we make it easier, not harder, for people to vote in the Commonwealth.

Non-partisan redistricting: As the most recent redistricting effort has proven, politics can destroy any efforts to create a fair and equitable redistricting map. The 2012 revisions sought only to protect Republican incumbents and maximize Republican electoral gains. This leads to atrocious public policy that does not reflect the will of the voters. As State Representative, I have cosponsored and voted for an independent, non-partisan redistricting commission that creates new districts based on creating compact and similar communities, not election wins for political parties.

Campaign finance reform: Currently, Pennsylvania has an unlimited cap on donations to state and local candidates. I believe this is unacceptable and would favor legislation that tied Individual and PAC donations to the federal limits.
