President's Budget Fails to Address Spending Crisis, Byrne Says

Press Release

Congressman Bradley Byrne issued the following statement in response to President Barack Obama's budget proposal and his inability to adequately address our nation's spending crisis.

Byrne said: "Our nation has a serious spending issue, and President Obama's budget proposal would only make matters worse. Instead of offering the same failed grab bag of liberal policy ideas, I wish the President would have put forward a realistic budget proposal that actually addressed the true drivers of our national debt. This budget is dead-on-arrival, and we must now get to work crafting a budget that actually balances and restores fiscal sanity."

The House has already started work on their own budget proposal. Last week, Byrne testified before the House Budget Committee about the need to reform our nation's means-tested entitlement programs. He spoke about his work as chancellor of Alabama's two-year college system and the need to put a real focus on jobs and skills training.

Byrne also outlined his support for a balanced budget and reforms to welfare programs in his weekly column. The House is expected to vote on their own budget proposal in early March.
