Issue Positions: Protecting Second Amendment Rights

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Issues: Guns

We have the God-given right to defend our lives, loved ones and property.

"The right of citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves
and the state shall not be questioned."

Ratified on September 2, 1790, Article 1, Section 21 of the Pennsylvania Constitution secured the Commonwealth's legacy as the first state to adopt explicit language in our Constitution, affirming that private citizens have a right to bear arms.

The Castle Doctrine (Act 2 of 2011), reaffirmed our right to bear arms by allowing law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, in self defense and the defense of others. To learn more about the Castle Doctrine, please click here to view and print a brochure about "Knowing Your Rights."
Protecting Second Amendment Rights
We have the God-given right to defend our lives, loved ones and property.

"The right of citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves
and the state shall not be questioned."

Ratified on September 2, 1790, Article 1, Section 21 of the Pennsylvania Constitution secured the Commonwealth's legacy as the first state to adopt explicit language in our Constitution, affirming that private citizens have a right to bear arms.

The Castle Doctrine (Act 2 of 2011), reaffirmed our right to bear arms by allowing law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, in self defense and the defense of others. To learn more about the Castle Doctrine, please click here to view and print a brochure about "Knowing Your Rights."

Representative Metcalfe is the prime sponsor of the Right to Bear Arms Protection Act (House Bill 357). This legislation would require the Commonwealth to intercede on behalf of Pennsylvania citizens against any federal attempt to register, ban or restrict the purchase or ownership of firearms and firearms accessories which are currently legal products. Pennsylvania does not need any new gun control laws.

Representative Metcalfe has also introduced legislation (House Bill 1287) that would prohibit access to information in the Firearms License Validation System from law enforcement personnel, agencies, officers or other authorized agents from states that do not have reciprocity agreements with Pennsylvania.
