Issue Position: Foreign Policy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

The Obama administration has weakened America's standing in the world because it has undercut our allies while at the same time appeasing America's enemies. We must turn that around in order to restore America's position of leadership in the world.

As your member of Congress these would be my priorities in restoring America to her rightful place of leadership in the world:

*Will offer my full support to Israel, America's strongest ally and the only true democracy in the Middle East.

*I will oppose any agreement with Iran that allows it to stand at the precipice of a nuclear weapon which would destabilize the Middle East and threaten the destruction of Israel.

*Will support the members of our NATO alliance such as Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia which are on the front lines facing aggression from Putin's Russia.

*I would support the expansion of our alliance in NATO to include friendly Balkan countries of Macedonia and Montenegro.

*While keeping America's commitments to our NATO allies, I would also demand that they fulfill their commitments under the Alliance's Charter to adequately fund their own defense.

*Promote tough engagement with Vladimir Putin's Russia in the effort to deter further aggression.

*Support strengthening our alliances and engagement in Asia as a balance to China.
