Restoring Americans' Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act of Veto Message From the President of the United States

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 2, 2016
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. I thank the gentleman for yielding.

Mr. Speaker, since the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, the House of Representatives has attempted to dismantle the law 62 times. Today is number 63, to repeal a major portion of the Affordable Care Act.

Mr. Speaker, since the Affordable Care Act passed, people with preexisting conditions can now get health insurance. The cost of health insurance has been increasing at the lowest rate since they started keeping records about a half a century ago. Those young people under 26 can stay on their parents' policies. Women are no longer paying more for insurance than men. We are closing the prescription drug doughnut hole. While thousands of people were losing their insurance every day when we passed the bill, more than 17 million people have insurance today.

If we vote ``yes'' on this motion, we will cancel all of that progress and at the same time just add to the deficit. Mr. Speaker, we should reject this motion, just as we have 62 previous times.

