Isaacson Army Principles

Press Release

1. Strict adherence to the original intent of the Declaration of Independence and United States and Arkansas Constitutions.

2. The sanctity of human life, created in the image of God, which should be protected from fertilization to natural death. No innocent human life, at whatever stage should be permitted to be destroyed without a trial followed by conviction worthy of execution. Each such person must have an attorney ad litem, without such representation, no proceeding may commence.

3. Preserving American and Arkansas and Citizen sovereignty and freedom from all enemies, including but not limited to Agenda 21, the United Nations, the New World Order. No rights protected by the constitution may be infringed. Civil Rights Legislation must be written that punishes any elected, appointed or contracted employee or agent of any government agency for violation of such rights. Upon conviction, the minimum penalty shall be loss of employment, liability for all legal fees and legal expenses incurred by complainant, plus a minimum award of $25,000 to be paid jointly and severally by the person making such violation and the agency. No 11th amendment protection shall apply to this violation of individual civil rights. This legislation shall become part of USC Title 42, of the United States Code.

4. Limiting government power to those items enumerated in the United States and Arkansas Constitutions.

5. Personal accountability and responsibility.

6. Self-sufficient family units, founded on the traditional and legal values, shall be in the interest of our nation.

7. Having an educated population, with parents having the freedom of choice for the education of their children. The right of a parent to request an equivalent voucher for educational expense, for education, other than public shall not be questioned and shall be equivalent subject to outcome similar to or superior to that of public education. No infringement of religious values, or any other civil right, of any such parent, guardian or student shall be permitted by any governmental agency or agency thereof.

8. Americans have the right to be safe in their homes, on their streets, and in their communities; and the unalienable right to defend themselves. Such rights shall not be subject to denial by any form of governance except that a person may be restricted by age less than 14 with completion of certified training, restricted by criminal history which reflects the preponderance of one person to cause physical or emotional harm to another or by mental incompetence as determined by a physician and unchallenged. Such person shall have the right to trial at the expense of a government agent or agency requesting such denial of the right to self defense.
9. A free enterprise society unencumbered by government interference or subsidies.

10. Honoring all of those that serve and protect our freedom, whether military or domestic service was or is offered and the service was with honor. In the absence of proof of dishonor, honor shall be assumed by all parties.

11. And we believe in "The laws of nature and nature's God" as our Founding Fathers believed.
