U.S. Rep Gregory W. Meeks Applauds President Obama's Executive Action on Gun Violence Prevention


Date: Jan. 5, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Gregory W. Meeks a member of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force issued the following statement praising President Barack Obama's announcement that his administration will take executive action to curb gun violence in America:

"Each day, nearly 300 Americans are the victims of gun violence. Each year, nearly 33,000 Americans die from gun violence. Yet, as the pandemic of gun violence has plagued our country year after year, conservative ideologues have obstructed our attempts to prevent gun violence. From closing the gunshow loophole to expanding background checks, common-sense reforms have encountered stiff opposition in Congress emboldened by groups like the NRA.

"In November, 114 other Members of Congress and I decided we could no longer permit Republican stubbornness in Congress to thwart progress and deny the American people safety; we wrote a letter urging President Obama to use his executive authority to expand and improve background checks and to require all gun sellers to obtain a license.

"Today, President Obama answered our calls and those around the nation pleading for gun reform. Though President Obama has taken bold action, Congress is not off the hook. I call on my colleagues to pass gun violence prevention bills, particularly the bipartisan King-Thompson legislation to strengthen background checks and make America safer. It is now, as it always has been, Congress' responsibility to help protect the American people and we must do our part to defend them from the scourge of gun violence."
