Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Unemployment starts with the individual, can turn into a family crisis, and ultimately affects the country as a whole. National unemployment is hovering at 5.4% while California ranks in at 6.5%. Many states, such as Texas, are showcasing unemployment rates of 4.2% and are on track to decline. We can improve too. The start and end of my solution to unemployment in this country is one in the same: small business. They produce 65% of new jobs and currently employ more than 50% or our workforce. Unleash the job creation potential of these businesses and watch unemployment and underemployment numbers drop across the country. My plan to put America to work is as follows: simplify and reduce the tax code, minimize the number of burdensome regulations placed on small businesses, and cut down crippling energy costs. In Congress, I will continue to protect and further advocate for the ability of small businesses to put people back to work.
