Issue Position: Jobs and the Economy

Issue Position

The United States is the largest and most powerful economy in the world. We have what it takes to ensure that every American obtains a decent paying job. It is only a matter of unleashing our potential. We must also hold true to the ideal that economic growth should equate to better economic opportunities for all Americans, not just the wealthy or corporate elite.

I propose raising the minimum wage. Wages less than $9 an hour cannot create a "living wage." Yet, minimum wage increases of more than $14 an hour could harm job growth (particularly within the small to moderately sized business sector). I believe the most advantageous range is between $10 to $12 an hour. We need to focus on finding the right balance. However, if they see fit, state and local governments should look at raising wages above this "$10 to $12" foundation.

When elected to Congress I will:

Invest in American manufacturing, exports, energy, research, and innovation.
Support entrepreneurship, small businesses, and start up projects by providing easier access to capital, cut red tape, and afford small to moderately sized businesses some tax relief.
Develop and expand post-secondary technical and trade certification programs. Such skill-based jobs are highly in demand and pay reasonably well.
Support laws for equal pay for women, paid leave (especially emergency, family, maternity, and medical).
Provide access to affordable child care.
* Pursing the above will help create a dynamic, prosperous, stable, just, and competitive job market.
