Standing Up Against ISIS

Press Release

Date: March 18, 2016

Almost every day we learn of more terror perpetrated by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham - more commonly known as ISIS - around the world. Reports of tragedies or crimes committed fill countless newspaper articles, along with stories of foreign nationals joining the fight overwhelming our radio waves and television programs. ISIS is an ever changing, radical organization, it continues to evolve and expand its reach.

In my monthly discussions with Iowans who live in the 16 counties of the Third Congressional District, I hear often from folks about how they feel less safe and secure. National security and personal security are of great concern and for good reason - ISIS is a deadly enemy which poses a global threat to our nation, people, and our allies.

Congress has a critical role to play when it comes to foreign policy. As your voice in Congress, I want to send ISIS and other terrorists the clear message that the United States will not tolerate terrorism and the targeting of Christians and other religious minorities.

On Monday, my colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives and I passed H.Con.Res.75, a bipartisan resolution which identifies mass murder and other atrocities at the hands of ISIS for what they are - war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. It specifically condemns the terrorist organization's systematic persecution and senseless violence towards Christians, Yazidis, and other minorities in the Middle East. I joined all Republicans and all Democrats in supporting this important measure, which was passed unanimously by a vote of 383-0. It next heads to the U.S. Senate for further consideration, where I hope it will be passed swiftly and unanimously.

Simply put, there is no room for terrorism in our world. War crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity committed by ISIS should be called out for what they are, and they must be stopped. While this week's bipartisan vote was a necessary step in standing up for humanity, and condemning the terrorist group's actions, there is still much to be done.

We live in the greatest nation in the world, one with a duty to stand for religious freedom human rights, and against terror and oppression. We must recognize we have a deadly and unwavering adversary who threatens our homeland and our allies each and every day.

A comprehensive strategy to destroy ISIS is long overdue - we must have a thorough plan to defeat this terrorist threat, protect our nation, her people, and our allies. The dangers posed by ISIS must be addressed head on, and it is critical Congress and our administration work together to bring an end to ISIS' brutal reign.
