Senator Scott Statement on PACE Act Being Signed Into Law

Press Release

Date: Oct. 8, 2015
Location: Charleston, SC

U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) released the following statement on the President signing the Protecting Affordable Care for Employees (PACE) Act into law. Scott sponsored the Senate version of the bill (S. 1099), with Congressman Brett Guthrie (R-KY) introducing the House version (H.R. 1624).

"With the PACE Act quickly signed into law, we have taken a great step forward in protecting small and mid-sized businesses from the harmful effects of Obamacare. I want to thank my House colleague Representative Brett Guthrie (R-KY) for his important work on the PACE Act, and all of our cosponsors for their support.

I am pleased we were able to stop the growth of Obamacare and block implementation of this harmful rule. I remain committed to a full repeal of the health care law, and will keep working to find solutions that put doctors and patients in charge - not the federal government."
