A 4th of July Message from Governor Sandoval

Date: July 3, 2015
Location: Carson City, NV

This weekend across America, we come together to celebrate the 239th anniversary of the birth of our nation. On July 4th 1776, our founders took a bold step toward building a lasting democracy that would become a beacon of freedom for the world. Their signatures on the Declaration of Independence represented a willingness to sacrifice their treasure, their honor, and their lives to build a nation on the proposition and promise of freedom, equality, and independence for all Americans.

Today, with great pride, we contemplate the timeless and inspiring words which served as a call to freedom, and which would ultimately change the course of the world and nation.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.''

The words inscribed in the Declaration of Independence expressed a resolute commitment to the ideals of liberty and democracy, a commitment courageously affirmed by the signatures of our founders. These individuals were willing to risk everything for only the promise of something better and the opportunity to pursue that promise.

The honorable traditions of courage, service, and devotion to country established by our founders are carried on today by the members of our military who continue to honor their sacrifice by defending our country and protecting its promises. Their service preserves the hope that was born from America's revolution, a hope rooted in the idea that continues to define America: You do not have to be born here to belong here, you don't have to be from this place to flourish in this place.

This uniquely American idea reminds us that here, in this place, you have endless opportunity to realize your full God-given and limitless potential, unfettered by tradition or convention, uninhibited by caste, class or pedigree.

I believe that Nevada represents and celebrates opportunity, rugged individualism, the vast potentials of enterprise and hard work, in short, the very essence of what it is to be an American. We're only limited by how big we are willing to dream and how hard we are willing to work. Across generations we have built a cornerstone of the great American West and Nevadans continue to honor the legacy of our founders by pursuing their own American dreams.

This weekend, I hope all Nevadans celebrate our history and draw inspiration from those who came before us. And, I hope you will strive to inspire and equip the generations to come with a stronger, better future, as well as an appreciation for the ideals and principles that make a better future possible.

I believe the best of what we have to offer as a state and nation lies ahead. If we, like those who declared independence and founded our nation, are willing, courageous, and committed to doing what is right, inspired by our founders and the men and women who continue to defend our country, then I truly believe our best days are yet to come.

Happy Independence Day.
