Proposition 7

Texas Ballot Measure - HJR 37

Election: Nov. 7, 2017 (General)

Outcome: Passed


Finance and Banking
Arts, Entertainment, and History


HJR 37 proposes a constitutional amendment that would allow the Texas legislature to make an exception to the law regarding the award of certain prizes. Currently, the Texas Constitution requires the Texas legislature to pass laws prohibiting lotteries, raffles, and other programs where the award of gifts is based on luck or chance. The proposed amendment would make an exception to this general rule to allow the Texas legislature to authorize credit unions and other financial institutions to institute programs which, in order to encourage savings, would award prizes based on luck or chance to the credit union's or financial institution's customers.

Measure Text

The constitutional amendment relating to legislative authority to permit credit unions and other financial institutions to award prizes by lot to promote savings.

For ( ) Against ( )


Official Summary
