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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Food Processing and Sales


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. Senate (MN) - Sr

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Date Title
05/17/2023 Klobuchar, Marshall Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Access to Nutritious Dairy Products and Support Dairy Farmers
10/18/2022 Letter to Lina Khan, Chair of the FTC - Klobuchar, Colleagues Urge Federal Trade Commission to Investigate Proposed Kroger-Albertsons Merger
06/15/2022 VIDEO -- Klobuchar Chairs Hearing Highlighting How Consolidation Impacts the Availability of Essential Goods like Infant Formula
02/17/2022 Krishnamoorthi, Klobuchar, Duckworth, And Cárdenas Respond To New Consumer Reports Investigation Revealing High Levels Of Arsenic In Baby Food
11/24/2021 Tweet - "Could feel the Thanksgiving spirit in the air as I joined volunteers from Beyond the Yellow Ribbon companies to distribute turkeys to military families."
08/09/2021 Letter to the Hon. Tom Vilsack, Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture - Klobuchar, Smith, Bipartisan Group of Colleagues Urge USDA to Provide Pandemic Relief for Contract Pig Farmers
07/15/2021 Following Introduction of Legislation by Klobuchar and Colleagues, House Appropriations Committee Approves Funding to Remove Toxins from Baby Food
07/02/2021 Baby Food Safety Funding Championed By Krishnamoorthi, Klobuchar, Duckworth, And Cárdenas Approved By Appropriations Committee
06/24/2021 Klobuchar Leads Colleagues in Urging FDA to Further Efforts to Eliminate Toxic Heavy Metals in Baby Food
06/24/2021 Klobuchar, Moran Announce USDA Investment in Small and Midsized Meatpackers
06/21/2021 Sens. Moran, Klobuchar Announce USDA Investment in Small and Midsized Meatpackers
06/11/2021 Klobuchar Statement on USDA Announcement on Antitrust Enforcement in Meat Markets
04/09/2021 Klobuchar Statement on FDA's Creation of "Closer to Zero" Campaign for Baby Food
03/25/2021 Cárdenas, Krishnamoorthi, Klobuchar, and Duckworth Introducing Bicameral Baby Food Safety Legislation
09/02/2020 Letter to Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture - Bennet, Colleagues Urge Administration to Clarify Why Farmers Were Denied Access to Critical Relief
08/25/2020 Letter to The Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of The Dept. of Agriculture, and The Hon. Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative - U.S. Senators Mike Crapo and Tina Smith Lead Bipartisan Group in Calling for Enforcement of Usmca Dairy Provisions
07/01/2020 Unanimous Consent Request--S. 3685
06/09/2020 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture - Duckworth, Durbin Join Klobuchar, Brown and Colleagues in Urging Department of Agriculture to Minimize Food Deserts and Supports Programs to Help Americans Access Healthy, Affordable Food
06/05/2020 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture - Gillibrand, Colleagues Demand Answers From Trump Administration On Food Box Program
05/15/2020 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the Dept. of Agriculture - In a letter to USDA Secretary Perdue, 29 Senators make recommendations to protect food supply workers
04/24/2020 Letter to William Barr, Attorney General, Heath Tarbert, Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and Sonny Perdue, Sec. of Agriculture - Sens. Lee, Klobuchar Call on Law Enforcement to Investigate Meat Supply Chain
04/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States, Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Stephen Hahn, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, Andrew Wheeler, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security - Leahy And Other Senate Democrats Urge Trump Administration To Protect Food Supply And Essential Workers During COVID-19 Crisis
08/08/2019 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture - Rep. Sewell, Sen. Sanders, 130+ Members of Congress Urge Trump Administration to Reverse Food Assistance Rule
07/01/2019 Brown, Senate Democrats Press OSHA, McDonald's Leadership to Take Action to Protect Employees from Workplace Violence
01/11/2019 Letter to the Hon. Scott Gottlieb, FDA - Explain Shutdown's Impact on Health & Food Safety

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