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Rick Scott's Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (FL) - Jr

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Date Title
11/18/2022 Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden's Inflation Crisis
11/15/2022 Sen. Rick Scott on PPI Report: Biden's Raging Inflation Crisis is Destroying the American Dream
11/11/2022 Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden's Inflation Crisis
11/11/2022 Tweet - "Prices are still rising, and it's impacting the poorest Americans, like my family growing up, the most. The only way we will end this is to stop the Democrats' spending spree once and for all."
11/10/2022 Tweet - "Families across the country are being CRUSHED by rising prices, and @JoeBiden has done NOTHING to fix it. It's time to end the madness and demand fiscal responsibility that will finally end this inflation nightmare. Enough is enough."
11/10/2022 Sen. Rick Scott on CPI Report: Biden's Raging Inflation Creating Unaffordable Holiday Season for American Families
11/10/2022 Tweet - "Americans shouldn't have to worry about putting food on their tables, but thanks to @JoeBiden , that's exactly what's happening this holiday season: Eggs cost 43.0% MORE Butter and Margarine cost 33.6% MORE Flour costs 24.6% MORE"
11/08/2022 Tweet - "Americans are struggling to make ends meet this holiday season all thanks to @JoeBiden 's failed economic policies."
11/04/2022 Tweet - "October's jobs report is a harrowing reminder of the burden inflation has on hardworking Americans. Our economy LOST 433k full-time jobs as many Americans are being forced to work multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet."
11/04/2022 Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden's Inflation Crisis
11/04/2022 Tweet - "#Bidenflation is making the most wonderful time of the year stressful for Florida's families as costs of gifts, travel and festive foods soar."
11/01/2022 Tweet - "#Bidenflation is an attack on Florida's seniors, and I'm fighting every day to stop Democrats from making it worse."
11/01/2022 Tweet - "By 2025, America will be spending MORE on federal interest payments THAN ON OUR MILITARY. I've been warning about the dangers of rapidly rising federal debt FOR YEARS. We're dangerously close to the point of no return & must change course NOW."
10/31/2022 Sen. Rick Scott: As Inflation Continues to Plague American Families, Joe Biden Looks the Other Way
10/31/2022 Tweet - "This will impact EVERY facet of our economy and push record-high inflation HIGHER. Americans can't afford another price hike at the hands of @JoeBiden 's green new agenda. #UnleashAmericanEnergy"
10/31/2022 Tweet - "It makes me FURIOUS to watch @JoeBiden & DC Democrats look the other way as skyrocketing prices plague families. America should always be the land of opportunity, and I won't stop fighting to end Biden's socialist agenda that got us in this mess."
10/30/2022 Tweet - "#Bidenflation outpaced wage growth for 18 MONTHS STRAIGHT, forcing EVERY AMERICAN to take a PAY CUT."
10/29/2022 Tweet - "Record-high prices are only going up on American families. @JoeBiden & the Fed's actions aren't helping the problem, but here's what will: - Cut taxes, burdensome regulation & gov. spending - Unleash American energy - Rein in the Fed's balance sheet"
10/28/2022 Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden's Inflation Crisis
10/28/2022 Tweet - "Floridians are fed up with @JoeBiden 's failed economic policies fueling inflation. The price of everything is up, and all Democrats do is deny the problem. We need accountability in Washington."
10/24/2022 Tweet - "Nearly two years in @JoeBiden 's America and things just keep getting worse: Food costs more. Clothes cost more. And utility costs keep climbing. Families deserve better, and I'll keep fighting to end Biden's inflation crisis."
10/21/2022 Tweet - "If @JoeBiden finally wants to talk about the national debt, then let's talk about it. Under Biden, the national debt has INCREASED from $28T to $31T in less than two years."
10/21/2022 Tweet - "Democrats' tax and spend spree is unsustainable. Every dollar they spend fuels the flames of @JoeBiden 's raging inflation crisis and hurts America's poorest families."
10/21/2022 Tweet - "Growing up in a poor family, I felt the impact of bad economic policies. I saw my single mom doing everything she could to make ends meet. Democrats' spending spree over the last year and a half has been an ALL OUT ASSAULT on families like mine growing up. It's unsustainable."
10/21/2022 Tweet - "As @JoeBiden peddles a lie that he cares about our national debt, let's not forget who got us in this mess. I've been fighting like hell to STOP Biden and the Democrats from BLOWING MONEY. If they had it their way, America would be headed for $45T in debt."

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