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Gene Witt's Biography

Contact Information

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Full Name:

Gene Witt



Home City:

Chicago, IL, IL

BS, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1978-1983

No political experience information on file.

Principal, Optimized Benefits Limited Liability Company, 2000-present

Former Management Team Member, Rich Melman’s Lettuce Entertain You

Tutor, Off The Street Club, 2000-2009

Board Member, Dreams for Kids, 2005-2008

Priority Issues:

Gene Believes In:

Making Promises We Can Keep.

Illinois CANNOT continue to:

Give lifetime employment and benefits to professional machine politicians.
Pay for these excesses by over taxing business owners and job creators.
Pay public sector employees more than their private sector peers.
Pay higher interest rates on state issued bonds as compared to other states.
Honoring Illinois Commitments

The State of Illinois employees deserve to be paid a competitive wage for their services, its pensioners deserve the pension they were promised, and the people of the 12th district deserve good government. Before Pension issues can be solved, politicians need to stop their abuse of the system. Politicians should lead by example and withdraw from the pension system

Governor Rauner's Local Government Consolidation and Unfunded Mandates Task Force

Illinois currently has the most units of local government at nearly 7,000 units. That's the highest in the country by more than 1,800 units. This is unacceptable. Too many layers of local government aids government corruption. It also contributes to why Illinois residents pay some of the highest local government taxes in the nation, including 2nd highest in property taxes. The people of the 12th District are impacted most.

Tax Moderation

Because of all the debt Madigan and Feigenholtz have helped the state accumulate, we need to:

Broaden the tax base;
Simplify the tax code; and
Increase revenue in the short and intermediate term, with a promise of legislated long-term tax relief once Illinois' financial health has been restored.
Term Limits with Redistricting

Being a Representative is a responsibility. It's a service to a community. Career politicians have too much self-interest. They manage and manipulate rules that benefit themselves. All Representatives should be limited to 3 terms in office and district lines need to be designed fairly, not based on voter probability.
