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Blogging from the Bus: Super Tuesday and Beyond

9 February 2008
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Bakersfield, CA Super Duper Tuesday I believe they are calling it now, we found ourselves in Bakersfield, CA. Our original plans for this day fell through at the last minute, fortunately we were able to put together a stop at the last minute, with pretty much all the thanks going to PVS member Jack Brigham for setting up two days of quality events, and everything went off pretty well. We even overcame a pretty rough bottoming out and a heavy duty tow truck having to be called (check out the video /15213300/detail.html?rss=bak &psp=news ) and were able to stop and Bakersfield College and California State University- Bakersfield and get on the local ABC and NBC news.

On Tuesday we took the bus to a predominantly Hispanic town called Lamont. We were invited there by the Dolores Huerta Foundation. Dolores Huerta, one of the founders of the United Farm Workers, was there along with her husband Robert Chavez (brother of Caesar) and several other important Latino community leaders. It was very inspiring seeing someone who has dedicated their entire life to working for the rights of the disenfranchised. There was a press conference done in Spanish and recorded by Univision on the importance of voting, especially in the Spanish-speaking community. There were people there who were voting for the first time as an American citizen. I was glad that Project Vote Smart was there. It is important that we continue to work to extend our services to all citizens. After Lamont we went to a high school in a city called Arvin. Most of the students were excited about the bus (and free light-up pens) and were excited to be voting soon. It just goes to show that even after Super Tuesday our work does not end. We've got 20,000+ miles to go and many more states to reach. Hopefully this new generation of voters will not accept things like manipulation, spin, and nondisclosure as part of the political system.

Related tags: 2008-election, California, VSDS, blog, bus-tour, elections

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