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Project Vote Smart and 18 in '08 team up to motivate young voters.

8 October 2007
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18 in 08

Project Vote Smart is proud to announce that during the 2008 elections, it will be working with the documentary "18 in '08" to motivate young voters to get to the polls and make educated decisions.

"18 in '08" is a nonpartisan documentary film and movement targeting today's 17 to 24-year-olds, many of whom will be voting in their first presidential election in 2008. Made by 18-year-old director David D. Burstein, 18 in '08: The Film, features interviews with many of the most influential politicians of today, as well as figures from popular culture, political activists, media commentators, student leaders, and young people. 18 in ‘08 highlights what is at stake for youth in the 2008 election, how decisions made in Washington today will affect young people for years to come, the issues and ideas that engage our generation, what turns us off, why are we so cynical about politics, the role of new media in engaging young voters, and candidates who have inspired youth. Fast-paced, entertaining, and thought-provoking, the film is ultimately a call to young people to overturn their traditional under-representation in election campaigns, get involved in the political process, and vote. 18 in ‘08 is in the process of bringing the film around the country, conducting screenings followed by talk backs with politicians, elected officials, and activists in concert with voter registration efforts. Other plans include a 50 state tour for summer 2008, a university tour for fall of 2008, an initiative to get a copy of the film into every high school social studies and government class in the country, and the creation of the definitive blog for youth and politics, which will feature commentary and opinions on the 2008 election, youth involvement, and today's issues from leading young people in our country. To help accomplish all these ambitious goals, 18 in '08 is constructing extensive partnerships with existing voter mobilization and youth-oriented organizations. We are also creating an advisory board with leading figures from politics, entertainment, media, and advocacy organizations.

Project Vote Smart will occasionally show the documentary on it's bus as it travels the country. Check out our bus tour schedule for exact dates.

Please visit 18 in '08's website at

Related tags: 0, 18-in-08, 2008-election, blog, bus-tour, elections

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