House Republican Subterfuge

Floor Speech

Date: July 29, 2014
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise this morning to denounce the unprecedented political attack House Republicans are bringing to the floor of this House. This week, this body will consider a measure to bring a lawsuit against the President of the United States for doing the job that the people of this country elected him to do.

This highly partisan lawsuit is a subterfuge. It is a subterfuge by House Republicans aimed at achieving their political goals that they were not able to achieve at the ballot box. Make no mistake about it. This is not a frivolous matter. Nothing could be more serious than House Republicans attempting to get the taxpayers of this country to finance their misuse and abuse of the legal system. The ultimate goal of this exercise is to try to discover some peg upon which they can hang an impeachment resolution.

This is very simple. Republicans could not defeat this President in back-to-back elections, and now they are looking for other means to their ends. This wasteful Republican lawsuit is their prelude to impeachment. It is a vendetta, a direct attack on the heart of our democratic form of self-government launched by House Republicans who got over a million less votes from the American people in the last national elections than their Democratic counterparts. Nothing could be more serious.

This lawsuit is a measure by House Republicans to use taxpayer money to further their partisan attempts to besmirch and destroy a President they couldn't beat in the elections. It is unfair to the American people, it is undemocratic, it is un-American.

Mr. Speaker, the American people need to know what is going on here. Rather than focusing on creating jobs, fixing our broken immigration system, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, and other sensible measures that can help hardworking families struggling to make ends meet, House Republicans are obsessed with political gamesmanship on a historic scale. Nothing could be more serious.
