Senator Murray Votes for Bipartisan Deal to Extend Support for Long-Term Unemployed Across Washington State, Urges House to Follow Suit


Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray released the following statement after voting to pass an extension of unemployment benefits for millions of job seekers across the country and in Washington state.

"While I'm pleased that the Senate has reached a deal, this extension has already been delayed for far too long, and those who are struggling to get back in the workforce can't afford for the House of Representatives to sit on their hands. There are tens of thousands of unemployed Washingtonians that are waiting and watching to see whether House leadership allows a vote on this bipartisan bill or simply refuses to act. For these men and women - who are our friends, neighbors and family members - this support puts food on the table, pays the rent, and keeps the lights on. Turning our back on them now, as they continue to fight to find work, would hurt not only these families but would also impact our ability to grow our entire economy."
