Fear is in the Air for Democrats

Floor Speech

Date: July 29, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. PENCE. Thomas Jefferson said, ``When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.'' Make no mistake about it, there is fear in the air.

Now elitists in Washington, DC, would have us believe that the rising voice of the American people is based on fear, but it is becoming evident that the real fear is coming from Democratic elitists here in Washington who realize that the people will not be silenced.

Yesterday we learned of a new effort by Democrats in Washington to attack American citizens who speak their mind and peaceably assemble as ``extremists'' or ``radicals.'' Demeaning Tea Party citizens or other Americans for simply saying no to runaway spending, takeovers, and bailouts is beneath the dignity of a great political party and it smacks of desperation. The voices of the American people--whether the left or the right or the middle--should never be muted or demeaned by the leaders who serve them. And when we see baseless smears of good Americans whose only offense is the exercise of their First Amendment rights of free speech and free assembly, we should see the fear for what it is--the fear of losing an election.
