Health Care And Education Reconciliation Act Of 2010

Floor Speech

Date: March 25, 2010
Location: Washington, DC


Well, here we go again. Last Sunday, defying the will of a majority of the American people, House Democrats rammed their health care bill through the Congress chock full of Big Government spending mandates and backroom deals. Now we're being asked to fix the bill by passing some sort of reconciliation measure.

But, Mr. Speaker, the bill before us tonight doesn't fix anything. It doesn't fix the fact that this is a government takeover of health care that's going to mandate that every American buy health insurance whether they want it or need it or not. It doesn't fix the fact that it includes about $600 billion in job-killing tax increases in the worst economy in 30 years. It doesn't fix the fact this bill provides public funding for elective abortion for the first time in American history.

Mr. Speaker, the American people know there's no fix for ObamaCare. We need to repeal this law and start over. If we repeal ObamaCare, we can start over with commonsense solutions at a lower cost and create jobs. If we repeal ObamaCare, we can enact medical malpractice reform, use the savings to cover Americans with preexisting conditions, and promote pro-life protections in the law. If we repeal ObamaCare, we can reform health care in this country without putting our Nation on a pathway towards socialized medicine.

