20th Anniversary for the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 9, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I would like to recognize the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO as it marks its 20th anniversary as an advocacy organization for America's transportation workers.

The Transportation Trades Department, TTD, has been an outstanding leader on behalf of the men and women who form the backbone of this critical industry. In the face of repeated economic and security challenges, these workers continue to do all they can to safely and efficiently move passengers and freight across town and across the globe. In these difficult times for the transportation industry and its employees, TTD has effectively brought workers' voices to bear on important policy debates in Washington.

TTD has been one of the leading advocates for a strong investment in our Nation's transportation infrastructure. They have been at the forefront, explaining to policymakers and the American people the need for a stronger, safer, and more efficient transportation network. New transportation investments are the building blocks of economic recovery, as they create skilled, family-supporting jobs. They help rebuild our Nation, facilitating faster and more efficient movement of people and goods. Throughout our Nation's history, strong investments in transportation infrastructure have proven to be a successful strategy to create good jobs and improve the quality of life for the American people.

As chairman of the Senate Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development Appropriations Subcommittee--and as a Senator from a State with many transportation hubs--I have enjoyed a close and productive relationship with TTD. Its leaders and front line workers have always brought a highly knowledgeable and responsible approach to their efforts. TTD has helped workers in such a large, complex industry speak with a clear and effective voice as our Nation seeks to address these important economic and homeland security issues.

I congratulate the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO on this milestone anniversary and look forward to continuing to work closely with our nation's transportation workers.
