Issue Position: Transportation

Issue Position

Issues: Transportation

"Since the days of the Roman Empire, nations have understood the connection between roads, prosperity and national security. This is why I believe it is my duty to look out for the tangible needs of Hoosiers, in addition to our family and social values."

--Congressman Mike Pence

Local projects

Since coming to Congress in 2001, I have worked with local officials throughout the 6th Congressional District to improve the safety of our transportation and infrastructure system. Among the projects I have assisted with are:

-Improving road safety throughout Muncie and Anderson, including widening roads, improving visibility, modernizing traffic signals and reducing congestion

-Improving safety for pedestrians and motorists on the campuses of Ball State University and Anderson University

-Strengthening the Muncie Indiana Transit System (MITS) by improving mass transit services to local residents, reducing congestion and damage to local streets and aiding those without alternative forms of transportation

-Expanding the Cardinal Greenway throughout east central Indiana

Highway Bill Reauthorization

The "Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users" (TEA-LU) passed the House of Representatives on April 2, 2004. While this bill funds many important projects, I voted against it because I believe it is fiscally irresponsible and unfair to the people of Indiana who will see their share of federal highway funds reduced over the next six years.

I could not vote for a bill that will cost more than the amount of income anticipated from the federal gas tax and cause Congress to either raise gas taxes or raid the General Fund of the Treasury to make up the difference. This spending will either force average Hoosiers to pay more at the pump or place an undue burden on future generations of Americans through deficit spending.

This legislation is also unfair to so-called "donor states," like Indiana, who have historically contributed more money into the Highway Trust Fund than they have received back in highway dollars. Instead of increasing Indiana's return on every dollar of gas taxes paid into the Highway Trust Fund, Hoosiers will see their return on federal gas taxes reduced by more than 10 cents on the dollar while many states continue to receive in excess of one dollar for every dollar of gasoline taxes paid. This is simply unfair.
