Statements From The Fifth Bipartisan Senate Forum On Artificial Intelligence - CLOSING


Date: Nov. 9, 2023
Location: Washington, D.C.

"Thanks again to all of our participants. Thanks to Senators Rounds and Young for helping moderate this powerful discussion. And thanks to the Senators and staff who stopped by to listen and stayed to learn.

The goal of this forum was not to leave with a single solution, but with a better understanding of the immense challenges and opportunities that AI presents to our democracy. I think we achieved that.

Here are some of my biggest takeaways from our discussion:

First, if left unchecked, AI poses serious risks to the health of our democracy and the integrity of our

Second, if we are quick to create guardrails, AI presents opportunities to strengthen our democratic
institutions and increase voter education and civic engagement.

Third, it will take all of us -- Republicans and Democrats, Congress and the Administration, the private
sector and civil society, and more -- working together to create and enforce guardrails.

Finally, time is of the essence. Next year's elections will be the first national elections with widely
available AI technologies that can accelerate the spread of mis- and disinformation, so we must act

This is an effort that will continue in the weeks and months ahead. We need all of you to remain

Thank you again, and I look forward to working with you."
