Executive Calendar

Floor Speech

Date: April 30, 2019
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. MURRAY. Madam President, I come to the floor to oppose the nomination of Mr. Gordon Hartogensis to serve as Director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and, really, to express my continued frustration with the Republicans' efforts to weaponize the nomination process for partisan gain, including their unprecedented refusal to move Democratic nominees for important Agencies, like the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the National Labor Relations Board, in order to tilt them in favor of corporations, and including their continued attacks on women's healthcare and reproductive rights by stacking our courts with far-right judges.

The Director of the PBGC is responsible for protecting the retirement security of almost 40 million people. We owe it to workers and retirees to make absolutely sure a nominee for this position has the relevant pension-related experience and knowledge to handle that challenge. One needs to have the determination to fight for workers and retirees and to have the willingness to work with Members on both sides of the aisle.

When it comes to Mr. Hartogensis, I am simply not convinced that this is the case. It is unclear to me why he was nominated to replace Director Reeder, who is doing a commendable job, well before Director Reeder's term was completed. What makes this even worse is that the Senate HELP Committee didn't have a hearing at which members could question Mr. Hartogensis.

I have asked the Trump administration why it decided to replace Mr. Reeder. No response. My Democratic colleagues on the committee asked the chairman for a hearing with Mr. Hartogensis. No hearing. We should be giving Mr. Hartogensis' nomination serious scrutiny, including having a hearing with the Senate HELP Committee, especially considering the complex challenges that the PBGC Director must help the Agency navigate amid our country's multiemployer pension crisis. Millions of workers and retirees across the country are at risk of seeing the pensions they were promised--that they earned and planned their financial futures around--thrown into jeopardy through absolutely no fault of their own.

I am hopeful we can focus on this issue more going forward, and I look forward to taking bipartisan steps to address this crisis, but I am disappointed that our committee, which should be most focused on this critical issue, was not even able to have a hearing with Mr. Hartogensis in order to dive into this crisis more deeply. So, given my doubts about his credentials for this position and my frustration with this nomination process, I will be voting against this nomination.

Unfortunately, Mr. Hartogensis is just one example of a broader effort by the Republicans to play political games with the nomination process in ways that, ultimately, harm workers and families nationwide. Nominations

Madam President, I remain deeply disturbed by the Republicans' continued partisanship, particularly their obstruction of highly qualified Democratic nominees for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the National Labor Relations Board.

It has been a longstanding practice to respect the minority party's selection of nominees and to move majority and minority nominees together to independent Agencies. Yet my colleagues across the aisle have jammed through Republican nominees to the NLRB and have hampered the EEOC's work by allowing one Republican Senator to essentially veto the Democratic nominee to the Agency, effectively tilting the playing field even more in favor of corporations and against workers' rights.

In this moment, as so many brave women and men have come forward to share their stories of workplace harassment and brought this issue to the forefront and as the Trump administration continues to undermine workers' rights to organize and collectively bargain for higher wages and better working conditions, the EEOC and the NLRB have very critical roles to play in protecting workers' rights. They have to be able to function fully and with balanced voices. I am going to keep fighting for workers across the country and keep pushing to get Democratic nominees confirmed to this Commission and this Board. Nomination of J. Campbell Barker

Madam President, the Republicans' nomination antics, of course, go far beyond those important Agencies. The Republicans are also continuing to work with President Trump to veer our courts far right by stacking them with ideological judges, especially when it comes to women's health and reproductive rights, which brings me to another nominee before us whom I strongly oppose--Mr. John Campbell Barker. As we have seen with Justice Kavanaugh and with so many other nominees, President Trump is seizing every opportunity he gets to appoint judges who will be willing to chip away at the right to safe, legal abortion. Unfortunately, Mr. Barker fits that pattern to a tee.

As deputy solicitor general of Texas, in the Whole Woman's Health case, he defended a law that imposed medically unnecessary requirements on physicians and clinics that were meant to make it harder for women to access safe, legal care. He has also made it clear that he believes employers should be able to decide whether the women who work for them can get birth control through their insurance coverage. These alarming positions are just a few of the reasons I oppose Mr. Barker's nomination. I urge my colleagues to do the same.

The Republicans may be determined to continue their crusade of tipping the judiciary against women's health and reproductive rights, but they should know that the Democrats and women and men across the country are just as determined to stand up, call them out, and fight back.

