Remarks by Vice President Pence and Vice President Kalla of the Republic of Indonesia Before Bilateral Meeting


Date: Sept. 25, 2018
Location: New York, New York

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: Let me say it's a great honor to be here with Vice President Kalla. I had the great privilege of traveling to Indonesia last year, representing the United States.

And we are so grateful for the leadership across the region, and the example across the world, that Indonesia represents in its commitment to religious pluralism and also its commitment to a strong alliance, now 70 years between the United States and Indonesia.

I look forward to returning to the region later this year for the APEC and ASEAN Summit.

But, Vice President Kalla, thank you so much for your strong commitment to the alliance and the strategic partnership between the United States of America and Indonesia. And I'm truly honored to be able to have some time with you today to discuss issues of common interest.


VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: Thank you so much.

VICE PRESIDENT KALLA: Yes, Mr. Vice President, as you mentioned, our relationship next year will be 70 years. It's good moment to -- of course we increasingly enhance our relationship, especially in the economic relationships. You helped Indonesia so long that we have very good relations in many fields -- in economic, (inaudible), and social people-to-people.

Thousands of young (inaudible) -- young men studied here -- study here in Jakarta. Last week, I visited Harvard and Tufts to see students do that. And we'll be increasing the number for the next year because we have our national fellowship (inaudible).

And in this situation, of course, Indonesia is ready to improve increasingly the economy relations in trade and business. We are -- because Indonesia is -- as we are discussing Jakarta too, and we sign some more agreements with Indonesian company and with American company. This is (inaudible) that we are -- Indonesia's population 260 million, of course, good market for any industrial product.

And agricultural is still very important. Lots of corn and a lot of soybean, and the other things. That's very important. That's why we open that in Asia. We really -- we are ready to increase our relationship.

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: Well, we're very honored to have time with you, Vice President Kalla. I hope you will give President Joko our warmest regards and appreciation for the strong strategic relationship between the United States and Indonesia. But I look forward also to discussing the ways that we can promote our mutual prosperity.


VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: And build on those economic ties between our two nations.

But thank you again. It's an honor to be with you today.

Thank you, all. Thank you, all.
