Trade Act of 2015

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 29, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Trade


Mr. President, it is not always easy to get a majority of Congress to agree on something. But when it comes to the Export-Import Bank, the numbers are now clear. Three days ago, the House easily passed a bill to reauthorize this critically important program, 313 to 118. Months before that, here in the Senate, we approved reauthorization 64 to 29. That is a supermajority in both Chambers, so no one should think we should not be able to pass this. But right now, the will of a bipartisan supermajority is being blocked by Senate Republican leaders who have so far refused us the opportunity to act. This lack of movement on this critical issue is unacceptable, and people across the country are not going to stand for it.

Every single day that passes without this program in operation, America's businesses--most of them small businesses--are at a disadvantage. That is because one of the main goals of the Export-Import Bank is to level the playing field for American companies to sell their goods overseas.

There are 60 other export credit agencies worldwide, including several in China. While companies around the world are enjoying the support of their own lending programs, this Congress allowed one of its best tools to grow the economy to go dark. That is now hurting our economy at a time when we should be continuing to work to build and grow and create jobs.

For months, I have heard from businesses in my home State of Washington that they are being held back by partisan grandstanding nearly 3,000 miles away. Businesses in Washington State make great products, and they want to ship what they make overseas and continue to build their business at home, and Congress ought to be a good partner in that effort.

This isn't a Republican issue or a Democratic issue. This is about supporting American companies that are creating local jobs, adding to our economy, and helping our economy grow from the middle out. It is why the Export-Import Bank has had the support of this body now for more than 80 years.

I urge Republican leaders to stop allowing extreme members of their party--a minority of their party--to hold our economy hostage. It is time to renew the Export-Import Bank on behalf of American businesses, American workers, and American families.

