Murray Introduces Legislation to Modernize, Enhance, and Protect Social Security System


Date: Nov. 17, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-WA) introduced the Retirement and Income Security Enhancements (RAISE) Act, a set of proposals to modernize, enhance, and protect Social Security in a fiscally responsible way. The RAISE Act would ensure that Social Security reflects the realities of today's workforce, and it would strengthen benefits for struggling seniors--most commonly women--as well as disabled individuals and young adults who have faced serious hardship in their immediate families. The legislation would also shore up the Social Security Trust fund to help make sure it is there for future generations of seniors, using an approach that protects middle class families and asks those who can most afford it to pay their fair share.

"After a lifetime of hard work, seniors rely on Social Security as a bedrock of their retirement security, so it is especially important to make sure the system meets the needs of today's beneficiaries," Senator Murray said. "The RAISE Act would make targeted updates to Social Security to make sure it reflects the realities of today's workforce, and to strengthen the system for future generations of seniors."
