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Jim Jordan's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (OH) - District 4

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Date Title
06/03/2024 Calling on Elected Officials and Civil Society Leaders to Join in Efforts to Educate the Public on the Contributions of the Jewish American Community
05/14/2024 Expressing Support for Local Law Enforcement Officers and Condemning Efforts to Defund Local Law Enforcement Agencies
05/08/2024 Equal Representation Act
05/01/2024 Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023
04/19/2024 End the Border Catastrophe Act
04/17/2024 Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act
04/17/2024 Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act
04/12/2024 Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act
04/10/2024 Providing for Consideration of H.R. Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act; Providing for Consideration of H.R. Extending Limits of U.S. Customs Waters Act; Providing for Consideration of H. Res. Denouncing the Biden Administration's Immigration Policies; and Providing for Consideration of H. Res. Opposing Efforts to Place One-Sided Pressure on Israel with Respect to Gaza
02/08/2024 Chairman Jordan Opens Inquiry into DOJ's Sweetheart Deal for Trump Tax Return Leaker
02/05/2024 Recognizing the Lima Noon Optimist Club's Annual Youth Appreciation Luncheon
01/22/2024 Chairman Jordan Subpoenas HHS Secretary Becerra for Information on Criminal- and Gang-Affiliated UACs, Placement of UACs
01/22/2024 Chairmen Jordan and McClintock Demand Information on 85% Release Rate for Illegal Aliens
01/17/2024 Federal Government Flagged Transactions Using Terms like "MAGA" and "TRUMP" for Financial Institutions
01/12/2024 Chairman Jordan Demands Documents and Communications from Fani Willis Associate Nathan Wade
01/11/2024 Chairman Jordan Subpoenas Director of National Intelligence in Big Tech Censorship Investigation
12/13/2023 Directing Certain Committees to Continue Ongoing Investigations Into Whether Sufficient Grounds Exist for the Impeachment of Joseph Biden, President of the United States
11/01/2023 Chairman Jordan Subpoenas As You Sow In ESG Investigation
11/01/2023 Chairman Jordan Opens Inquiry into Intelligence Community for Obstructing Senators Grassley and Johnson
10/31/2023 Chairman Jordan Launches Inquiry into the DOJ's Attempts to Spy on Congress
10/30/2023 Chairmen Jordan and Comer Launch Inquiry into D.C. Attorney General's Politically Motivated Investigation of Leonard Leo
10/17/2023 Jim Jordan tweets about Israel Attack
10/17/2023 Rep. Jim Jordan on X
10/07/2023 Jordan Statement on the Attacks on Israel
10/07/2023 Jordan Statement on the Attacks on Israel

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